Years ago Lerner & Loewe wrote a song for My Fair Lady they titled "On the Street Where You Live".
For some reason, this song has been running through my thoughts of late. I realize it has to do with the male
star 'mooning' over the street on which his love lives. But I have been relating this phrase to the many streets
on which I've lived.
I'm thinking of similarities and differences. Noisy and quiet. Beautiful and not. Maples and palms. Bougain-
villea and buttercups. Creeks and oceans. Lizards and ground hogs. One sound the same.
I grew up on a farm with a country road running between the house and barn. It was a busy road with
speeding cars and trucks. Many a poor, unsuspecting animal killed there, much to the dismay of the five
children growing up on that dairy farm. I recall, vividly, crossing that road to get to my dad on the other side;
glancing up to see a huge truck bearing down on me! A spanking awaited when I reached my destination. I
lived there over 19 years. One sound the same. Then the journey began.
A back street in a small town after the wedding. A street in Key West, Florida across from the Presidential
Gate. I could hear the conductors on the Conch Train pointing out the gate to the never-ending stream of
tourists. Back to the farm for a short while. In the heart of Long Beach, California for 3 weeks; so much street
noise. Then to a complex in San Pedro away from the street noise. National City, back to the country, Chula
Vista and a street in the suburbs. Nine more moves and nine more streets and I'm finally on a quiet street by
a park and a vacant lot. The sound of barking dogs and occasional traffic. One sound the same.
After the third or fourth move, I noticed something that was always present; east coast, gulf coast, west coast
and anywhere in between. Mourning doves. That sad, poignant cooing. When I was a child, I thought of
them as 'morning' doves. When I learned the correct spelling, I was even more intrigued by their lonesome
call. I began listening for the sound everywhere I landed. They've always graced my new home with their
peaceful voices. Every vacation spot, anyplace I go, they are with me and they make me happy. One sound
the same.