Maybe if I look long and hard enough, the sight will be burned in my consciousness; can be brought to mind when grey, lifeless winter skies bring cold and snow.
Maybe I'll hear the splashing, screaming, laughing, always the music in the background.
Maybe I'll see the trees waving in the distance.
Maybe I'll feel the sun beating down drying out my skin and the breeze tempering.
Maybe I'll remember the light, just right romance 'pool read'. (Thanks Nora!)
Maybe I'll capture the 11 year old sweetness and beauty of my grandson even when he's grown. Watch him shooting hoops from the blue water; watch his triumphant expression and fist pump when he sinks a long shot. See him do a hand-stand and come up, water streaming down his face.
Maybe I'll be there, someday when I can't be.
Maybe that will be enough.