Let's all go for a walk today, to see what God has given!
So, Milt and I set out on our (almost) daily walk in the neighborhood.
Brilliant bursts of color
Cloudless deep blue,
A ground hog in the distance,
A jay flying to safety in the tree tops,
A few butterflies,
Many harvest and halloween decorations; pumpkins, gourds, ghosts and goblins,
Leaves floating through the air, giving up their tenuous hold. I'm surprised they held on yesterday. No walk for us in that wind and rain. Hate to admit perhaps a touch of SAD, but out of the gloom today! (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
Milt has been my "wing-dog". Meeting so many neighbors; 4-legged and 2. I've lived here over 8 years-never knew anyone til Milt graced me with his presence.
We got to watch a small house trailer being dismantled and a nice modular brought in; perhaps changing dynamics for a pleasant lady and her 3 dogs and feline friends.
We toured a lovely camper with Simon and his human.
We've chatted with the man fixing up his mom's house and preparing to occupy. (accompanied by a dachshund)
Another, repairing a vending trailer for his new retirement career.
The couple who care for their grandson and a cute little Benji-like doggy.
A big, barky, beautiful dog with a mother-daughter duo.
A small terrier whose owners found and saved my puppy a couple months ago. (a scary story for another day!)
Mr. Rogers said it best. Wish you could all be mine.
Thanks for getting me out of the house, Milton. Let's do it again tomorrow!
*** DLR Editor's Note: Sorry for the delay - this was written in the early fall. I thought that a fun walk around the neighborhood sounded nice, particularly since the temperature and snowflakes are keeping me inside today. ;)