14 years-a very long time in a life. From 23 to 37 years of age. A young man-boy. Just starting.
Recently graduated-"in a relationship." A new puppy, so cute and roly-poly and playful! Paws
too large for the recently formed body. Curiously sniffing, licking faces. Learning the rules,
potty-training, chewing toys and bones and maybe a shoe or two. A party to her loved one's
life; happiness, sadness, good times, bad times, painful growth, new living spaces, new
relationships, new careers, new animal friends. But always receiving and giving love.
Her feet match her body now, old and tired. She's watched the changes, the years passing.
Her steps slow and labored, her eyes dim, ears quieter. Done playing; only sleeping, eating,
carried outside for "necessities". Still giving-taking love.
So much joy she's experienced-given. So much hurt she's leaving.
But, even in the face of grief and sorrow, no regrets; to escape the pain would be to miss
the joy, the wonder of her beautiful life.
"Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry
away with them so many years of our own lives." (John Galsworthy)